Járnslétta 8, Esjumelum

Ár: 2022

Kaupandi Íslenska gámafélagið ehf

Miðgarður, Vetrarbraut 18, Garðabæ

Ár: 2020-2021

Kaupendur IAV HF & Garðabær

Korputorg viðbyggingar

Ár: 2019

Kaupandi: Korputorg ehf

Askja, Krókháls 11

Ár: 2019

Krókháls 11 ehf

Desjamýri 6

Ár: 2019

Húsasteinn ehf

Krónan Garðabæ

Ár: 2017-2018

JÁ Verk ehf

IKEA, Suðurhraun 10

Ár: 2018-2019

Hellubyggð ehf

Brimborg, Hádegismár 8

Ár: 2017-2018

Brimborg ehf

United Silicon HF Helguvik

Ár: 2015-2016

Kaupandi: Sameinað Silicon hf og Íslenskir aðalverktakar hf.
Hönnun: Tenova, Verkis hf og “Plant Stalkonstruktsiya” Ltd, Russia.

KIA, Krókháls 13

Ár: 2019

Kaupandi: Krókháls ehf


Ár: 2015-2016

Alefli ehf , kt.450293-2459, Völuteigi 11, 270 Mosfellsbæ.
Hönnun og verkræðisamskipti Ferill ehf.

Frjóakur 7

Ár: 2016

Einbýlishús. Guðrún Stefánsdóttir FAÍ , Verkfræðistofa Stanleys Pálssonar ehf og VERKÍS HF


Ár: 2014

ISAVIA / Stækkun flugstöðvar Leifs Eiríkssonar í Keflavík.
Byggingaraðili og verkkaupi er IAV HF


Ár: 2013

Síldarvinnslan Neskaupstað. 1.130 m2 Byggt fyrir Síldarvinnsluna hf á Neskaupstað. Húsið er stálgrindarhús með einföldum klæðningum.

Flughermir fyrir Icelandair

Ár: 2014

Nýbygging fyrsti áfangi : Flughermir fyrir Icelandair að Flugvellir 1. 221 Hafnarfiriði. Byggingaraðili og verkkaupi er IAV HF

Íþróttarhús Tryggvagötu 25

Ár: 2005-2006

On consignment. The building has a perforated soundproofing inside of roof and walls. STALGRINDARHUS.IS make all the structural design calculations for the steel buildings part. Builders Keflavíkurverktakar ltd. Development in 2005 – 2006.

Fiskislóð 39

Ár: 2008-2009

Print factory, wholesale and retail centers built for Formprent ltd. 2008 – 2009 STALGRINDARHUS.IS is the main contractor of this building. STALGRINDARHUS.IS had all the arkitect and all structural design calculations for this building.

Nesjavellir vélaverkstæði

Ár: 2004-2005

On consignment. This building is from steel constructions. Development in 2004 – 2005.

Íþróttahús Versalir 3

Ár: 2004-2005

On consignment. The roof of this building is from steel constructions and has the perforated soundproofing inside of the roof. Builders: ÓG Bygg ehf and Kópavogur City. Development in 2005 – 2006.

Laugardalshöll Eingjavegi 8

Ár: 2004-2005

Laugardalshöll Athletics sporthall and standing exhibition. On consignment. STALGRINDARHUS.IS make all the structural design calculations for the windows frame. Builder: Eykt ltd. Development 2004 – 2005.

Lýsi Fiskislóð 5

Ár: 2004-205

On consignment. STALGRINDARHUS.IS made all the structural design calculations for this steel constructions etc. The Building is Fish oil factory made from structural steel constructions and wool sandwich panel. Builder: Íslenskir Aðalverktakar ltd. Development 2004 – 2005.

Klettháls 15, 110 Reykjavík

Ár: 2004

Jón Bergsson ehf og Stormur ehf Kletthálsi 15. 110 Reykjavík. Aðalstöðvar, verslun,skrifstofur og lager. Umboðssala: Burðarþolshönnun og innflutningur.

Stilling hf Klettháls 5

Ár: 2018

Stilling HF Kletthálsi 5. 110 Reykjavík.
Aðalstöðvar, skrifstofur og lager.
Umboðssala: Burðarþolshönnun og innflutningur fyrir HB Harðarson ehf.

Knattspyrnustúka Víkings

Ár: 2003

On consignment. This building is made from steel constructions with panel claddings in roof. Builder: Eykt ehf. Development 2003.

Landsbankinn Hamraborg 8

Ár: 2003

On consignment. Steel structure and bridge steel. This is two floor steel building on the top of the bridge from steel beams. Builder: Ris ltd. Development 2003 – 2004.

Jötunheimar Bæjarbraut 7

Ár: 2003

On consignment. STALGRINDARHUS.IS make all the structural design calculations for this buildings. This building is made from steel structures with perforated soundproofing inside of the roof.


Ár: 2002

On consignment. This building is made from steel structures with perforated soundproofing panel inside of roof and walls.